Provide liquidity to the GRV-USDT pool.
The liquidity supplied to the GRV-USDT pool becomes GRV-LP.
Since we use Zap, you can deposit $GRV, USDT, and GRV-USDT LP.
The liquidity supplied will be used to provide liquidity for GRV-USDT trades. Step 1. Go to Trade - Liquidity page
Whitehole Finance supports Zap, so you can provide liquidity with the desired asset.
Step 2. Add Liquidity
Whitehole Finance supports Zap, so you can provide liquidity with the desired asset.
To supply liquidity in USDT, enter USDT and click Add Liquidity.
After supplying, you can see that the GRV-USDT Lp has been minted.
Step 3. Stake LP Stake the created GRV-USDT LP. You can now see your rewards (Claimable GRV) accumulating in real-time.
How to claim interest
Users can claim $GRV earned in a 14-day cycle.
Claim → Lock Duration (7 Days) → Penalty Duration (7 Days) → Harvest
Upon claiming, there will be a 7-day lock. After that, it will be taxed at 50% for the next 7 days and can be claimed immediately (14 days total).
After claiming, you can immediately lock up your vested GRV during the harvest period via Compound without penalty.
Claiming again during the Harvest period will start a new 14-day cycle.
Last updated